Training and Research


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Training Practice

The Warren Practice has a long standing and significant commitment to undergraduate and post graduate training. The Practice is affiliated to the Hillingdon GP Training Scheme and the Medical School of Imperial College University London.

The Practice regularly hosts medical and nursing students and is a GP Training Practice with attached Doctors undergoing postgraduate training for General Practice. All such students will be identified to you when you meet them. They are bound by the same rules of professional behaviour and confidentiality as fully qualified staff and are under constant supervision.

If you would prefer at any time not to see a student just inform us and we will be happy to comply with your wishes.

To help with this training some consultations will be videotaped.  This is vital to training and your co-operation is appreciated.  However, this will only be with your agreement and you will be asked to sign a consent form.


Research and Development

The Practice strives to stay abreast of advances in clinical care and management practices and regularly introduces new treatments if there is a sound evidence base for their use. We also contribute to research projects run by highly reputable research organisations such as Imperial College London Medical School and the Royal College of General Practitioners.

Patients will be alerted to any possible research projects in their area and will not be involved without first obtaining their fully informed and voluntary consent. If you do not wish to be involved in any research project you are entirely within your rights to decline the invitation and your wishes will be respected.